Saturday, November 28

What Does It Mean To Be Thankful? - A Beauty Perspective

 I just wanted to personally encourage everyone to keep in mind the true meaning of Thanksgiving, which is being thankful. I wanted to take the time to impart some uplifting words to my ladies [and gentleman] out there struggling with the idea of being thankful, in regards to self.
As women, we feel pressure from the media to look manufactured, instead of embracing our own unique identities and individuality, which comes in all colors, shapes and sizes.  The media chooses to forcefeed imagery down our throats which is unrealistic in many cases, as most women don't fit the prototype of a woman in the media.  For example: I remember how I used to complain about certain physical features I possess, and yearned for an alternative look.  I used to think my eyes were ugly and alien-like because they are so big and wide-set, until I realized that my eyes are big, beautiful, dreamy, deep in color, and very mystifying.  
My point in sharing this with you is because beauty comes in ALL forms, as we are ALL different, and we need to embrace our unique beauty.  If you feel as if you're a woman that doesn't meet the media's criteria of what's "acceptable", I urge you to take the time to learn yourself - inside / out.  One can't truly feel beautiful until one understands self, seriously...self-love is everything.  Secondly, take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror.  I dare you to find one thing you love about yourself.  [you can do it!]  Take this discovery and run with it! ...figure out how you can enhance this beautiful attribute you've been given by God.  Thirdly, I dare you to look in the mirror and find something about yourself you dislike.  Ask yourself, "Why don't I like this?" - "What about this bothers me, and why?"  Do a little self-analysis if you will.  There can be no understanding of self without some introspection people. Nowadays, there are many cosmetic products that can help enhance anything! ....from brows and lashes, to eyes, to cheeks, to lips, to skin firmness, etc.  Do some research and find products that work best for you, because they do exist.  Lastly, and more importantly, I encourage you to find beauty in obscurity today, and pay someone a compliment with a smile!

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