Thursday, May 20

'Beautiful Corpse' | One Of My First Makeup "Experiments"

I ran across these pictures today and smiled, as well as had a small laugh.  These pictures where some of the FIRST pictures taken after I made the decision to pursue a career in make-up artistry over 4 years ago.

I was soooooooooo determined to learn about make-up, that I did EVERYTHING for this look: The make-up, hair, styling, set design and photography. The concept I came up with was "Beautiful Corpse." Remember the post I did yesterday on Christian Dior and how much their couture make-up has inspired me? Well here is a visual representation of that inspiration!  I didn't know jack about lighting, and not too much about make-up, but I knew I had an idea and a friend willing to be my model, so I ran with it. I guess you could say I was testing myself.  

How did I do it?

I had a beautiful red couch at the time, and figured I would use this as the "coffin" that she would be "laying" in.  After getting that part out the way, I thought, "How else can I make something out of nothing?"  I then remembered I had a bouquet of flowers that I dried out [thanks ex-boyfriend!]. I decided to use the flowers by spreading them on top of her.  Next thing you know, I found this black scarf in my closet with frayed edges and thought it would give the picture a slight Spanish feel.  The flower you see in her hair is just a fake, plastic flower that came from something else around the home, lol. 

As you can see, the make-up isn't perfect, but I was very proud of myself at the time, and i'm still proud for being proactive in my quest for make-up knowledge, and making the effort to learn.

The moral of this story: Don't be held down or make excuses for why you can't accomplish something.  I didn't have any money or real resources, but I had my imagination, a few neat things around the house, and a desire to create.

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